For Parents

What does a typical study involve?

Please refer to the Current Research Studies page for a brief overview of our current studies. Most studies involve children playing interactive games, reading stories and interacting with the researchers. Some studies require children to tell us about an event that happened to them and/or tell a made-up story. We also sometimes ask parents to fill out questionnaires.

How long and at what time do the studies take place?

A visit takes about 30-60 minutes and is arranged at a time that is convenient for you. Some studies require only one visit, while others require two. Appointments can be during the day, evening, or weekend. We make appointments that fit your schedule.

How old are the participants?

Our studies are usually for children between the ages of 2 and 17. Younger and older siblings are welcome to come along, as we have a play area and can provide a babysitter.

Are there any benefits?

* You have fun!
* You receive a small cash reimbursement.
* Children are given a free toy.
* We learn more about children’s behaviour!

Many children and parents enjoy their experience in our studies and return for new studies as their children grow. Our researchers are committed to making your visit a pleasant, fun learning experience! We look forward to seeing you soon!

How do I find out more?

We would love to talk to you about our research projects, their aims and objectives, and your child’s participation.

For more information, please get in touch with us at
