Ipek Isik

Ipek Isik is a doctoral candidate in the Human Development program in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University.  She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Minor in Philosophy from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. Ipek is interested in research about children and adolescent’s moral development.  

Selected Publications

Caivano, O., Isik, I., & Talwar, V. (2021). Can I trust you? Children’s perceptions of friends and classmates who gossip. Personal Relationships, 28(3) 683-702. https://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12374

Isik, I., Wyman, J., Cassidy, H., & Talwar, V. (2024) Dilemma: Utilizing the Activation Decision-Construction-Action Theory to Understand and Predict Children’s Hypothetical Decisions to Conceal Cases of School Bullying. (Pre-Print) DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4969371

Tong, D., Isik, I., & Talwar, V. (2023). A cross-cultural comparison of the relation between children’s moral standards of honesty and their lie-telling behavior. Journal of experimental child psychology231, 105665. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105665

Tong, D., Isik, I., & Talwar, V. (2024). Relations among lie-telling self-efficacy, moral disengagement, and willingness to tell antisocial lies among children and adolescents. Journal of experimental child psychology246, 105999. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2024.105999